
The APC missions are:

  1. To represent the parents of the school to the Management, the Administration, the teachers, the Board and the institutional bodies* (School Council, Disciplinary Council, Health & Safety, School Travel Plan, Food & Catering Committees). Working in a close collaboration with the School Management and the Board, the association:
      • cooperates on the School Plan and on the implementation of concerted actions with the other schools in London and the cultural service of the Embassy (one representative).
      • represents and advocates for families at Consular Scholarship Councils.
      1. To Listen to and to inform all families and encourage dialogue between parents, teachers and the school administration.
      2. To provide financial support to families and projects that contribute to the development and enrichment of our children, through fundraising activities. The funds gathered are devoted to:
          • the solidarity fund dedicated to families in need via our partner FSF,
          • financial support for educational and well-being projects (events, trips, outings, end of year show, Radio Récré, playground, multi-purpose room equipment, loan of 15 laptops to families in need…)
          1. To animate and facilitate the networking of the parents’ community.

          *Institutional bodies:

          • School Council: the main body that regulates the affairs of the school. It is competent for the primary and the secondary, for all matters concerning the pedagogical and educational issues of the school.
            The school council meets in ordinary session at the initiative of the Head teacher at least once per school term. It may also be convened in extraordinary session at the request of the Head of the diplomatic post or his/her representative, the Head of the school or at least half of its members with voting rights, on a specific agenda (3 seats for parents' representatives).
          • Disciplinary Council: only concerns the secondary level. It is responsible for imposing a disciplinary sanction on a pupil who has committed a fault. The sanction must be provided for in the school's internal regulations (2 seats for Trustees only).
          • Health and Safety Committee is consulted on and can propose actions or measures regarding the Health and Safety educational committee, training actions to be implemented in the field of health and safety, in conjunction with the continuous training unit, compliance with and monitoring of all legal provisions in the field of health and safety and security measures to be taken in conjunction with the embassy and the AEFE's technical security advisor (1 seat for parents’ representative).
          • Catering Committee is consulted on and can propose actions on all aspects related to school catering (quality, quantity, allergy problems, flow management...) (1 seat for parents' representative).

          Governing Rules

          1. The association is managed by a bureau, elected by its members at the General Assembly.
          2. Any parent of the school who is a member of the APC can stand for the election.
          3. The bureau members are elected for a renewable three-year term at the annual ordinary general assembly by the members of the association.
          4. All important decisions of the bureau are decided by a majority vote.
          5. Members of the APC are volunteers